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The bathtub – advantages and disadvantages

The bathtub – advantages and disadvantages

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Although many people prefer a quick shower in the morning, families in particular do not want to do without a bathtub. But not every bathroom offers enough space and the sanitary requirements for both variants. Added to this are the very different needs of bathroom users.

Are you also faced with the difficult choice of deciding for or against a bathtub? Then the following advantages and disadvantages of a pure bath will hopefully give you a little more clarity in your decision.

Bathtub or shower: when the decision is difficult

Each individual has different needs when it comes to their ideal bathroom. A distinction can be made here between those who advocate bath tubs and those who support showers. You may prefer extended bubble baths, while your partner is perfectly fine with the daily five minutes in the shower. Or maybe you are even one of those who do not want to do without one or the other.

As nice as the idea of ​​not having to choose between a bathtub and a shower may be, in reality we are often forced to make compromises. In small bathrooms , which are mainly found in old buildings, there is often only room for a bathtub or a shower .

A decision is also necessary for bathrooms that offer enough space for both, but are to be designed more openly in favor of an age-appropriate design and thus more freedom of movement. To make this easier for you, you will find out the advantages and disadvantages of bathtubs in a (small) bathroom below.

The bathtub: These advantages speak for it

  • Bathing and showering is equally possible

The big advantage of a tub is that it can be used in many ways. You can not only bathe in it, but also take a shower if necessary . Washing your hair separately is also more convenient than with a conventional shower cubicle. So if you have longer hair, a bathtub is a good idea.

  • Shared bathing experience with your partner

If the bathtub is also big enough, nothing stands in the way of a relaxing bath together with your partner . If you like it particularly luxurious and relaxing, you can upgrade with a whirlpool system and turn every bath into a tingling wellness experience.

  • Easy cleaning in the tub

A bathtub is almost indispensable, especially in family bathrooms. A bubble bath is not only fun for children, but also offers parents a welcome opportunity to relax. Sharing a bathroom is a good idea, especially when it comes to washing small children. It is also sometimes easier to wash children in the tub than in the shower .

  • Soothing relaxation bath when you need it most

In the cold winter months or after a stressful day, a hot full bath works wonders – it warms and relaxes and thus ensures a pleasant feeling. It is also used for therapeutic purposes . The warmth of the water gently envelops the body and relieves muscle and back pain as well as the symptoms of a cold. Bath additives can additionally support the healing effect or provide the skin with particularly gentle care. The addition of essential oils is not only a blessing for the body, but also balm for the soul.

  • Numerous design variants – even for small bathrooms

Anyone who attaches great importance to appearance can choose from a wide range of bathtubs. There is now a variety of shapes and colors . By no means does it have to be the standard model in white. For a better overview, it is worth visiting a nearby bathroom exhibition. Or you can visit a wholesaler’s specialist market.

Of course, models are also available online, although the flood of information can be overwhelming. In any case, we recommend always inspecting the tub models on site. If possible, you should try it out before you decide on a bathtub and then have it installed.

The bathtub: These arguments speak against it

  • More water consumption than when showering

A decisive disadvantage in times of rising energy costs is the increased water consumption when bathing . A full bath corresponds to an average of four standard showers of five minutes each. The additional costs of bathing compared to a shower are more than 50 percent.

  • Large bathtubs require a lot of free space in the bathroom

Should the bathtub be spacious and comfortable so that it can also be used together with the children or your partner? Or is there a desire for a free-standing tub? Then you usually need a lot of space in the bathroom . If you also decide on a conventional bathtub model, this is not suitable for older people or people with other restricted mobility due to the high step-in.

  • Standard bathtubs are not barrier-free

The quick and easy showering in the tub is possible in principle. Nevertheless, showering in the bathtub is less comfortable than in the shower . Especially if it is a walk-in or walk-in shower. There are now also bathtub models with a door that allow entry at ground level. However, standard bathtubs do not have this advantage.

  • Splash protection for showering in the bathtub necessary

In addition, showering in the tub requires suitable splash protection in the form of a curtain or shower screen . Otherwise, the area around the bathtub will get wet and slippery every time you use it. This is not only unhygienic but a real hazard when getting out of the shower. In this case, you cannot avoid a separate shower partition if you want to avoid unwanted flooding in the bathroom.

The right bathtub: Schramm will advise you personally

After you have carefully weighed the pros and cons and decided on a bathtub, is the only thing missing is the right model? Or would you like advice on a walk-in shower instead?

Our staff will be happy to help you with your selection and answer all your questions. We also offer online support – just send us an email.

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